Combinations are the basis of Texas Hold’em. Yes, this is not always the determining factor in winning, because poker is beautiful because you can win even with the weakest cards. However, if the game reaches its climax when the players must reveal their cards, then the winner is clearly determined. Therefore, in order to correctly assess our strengths in the distribution, we have prepared this material for you, where we will consider all combinations in ascending order of cost.
Before proceeding to the description of all combinations, we consider it necessary to recall the basic rules for their compilation:
- The combination consists of 2 cards in hand and 5 community cards, which form the so-called “board”;
- The strongest combination is formed from these 7 cards;
- To make a combination, you can use one or two cards from the hand, or none at all.
- At least 3 board cards are always involved in making a combination.
And now to business. A list of combinations are following:
- Pair. The simplest and lowest combination, for which you need to have 2 cards of the same denomination. The percentage of hair falling out is the highest among all other combinations. Most of the transactions you will conduct with her.
- Two Pairs. The essence, we think, is clear from the title. This is a pair + another pair, which is a much stronger combination. When making two pairs, several players compare the highest pairs, if they are the same, then the lowest pairs.
- Three or Set. A set is the only combination consisting of 3 cards. It consists of a pair of 3 cards in total. His loss percentage is less than a pair, so often a set is a pretty strong hand that allows you to build a big pot. If there are several triplets at the table, the highest one is determined by face value.
- Street. A five-card combination that requires cards in strict order of increasing face value (for example, 2-3-4-5-6), the suit may be different. The seniority of the straight is determined by the most recent card, while the ace (T) can play the role of both the highest (after the king) and the lowest (up to two).
- Flash. Also, a five-card combination in which all 5 cards must be of the same suit. The seniority of two flushes at the table is determined by the card of the highest denomination.
- Full House. It consists of two combinations: three of a kind + a pair. The winning percentage with this combination is extremely high, very rarely a full house gathers several players at the table at the same time, in this case, the seniority is determined by the set. If the sets are equal, then pairwise.
- Four of a Kind. A rare combination made up of a set of only four cards.
- Street-Flush. It occurs extremely rarely, and, as a rule, at the moment when the poker player planned to simply collect a flush. Gathered from a straight where all cards are of the same suit. He has an extremely high win rate, with two straight flushes being ranked by the bottom card.
- Royal Flush. The combination is a win-win, the percentage of its loss is extremely negligible. It is made up of cards of the same suit of higher value in strict order.
The case of equal combinations

It often happens that players collect exactly the same combinations. As a rule, in this case, the combination is located on the board, being a common one, or it is made up of 1 card of the hand + the board. In this case, the winner is determined by the kicker – the highest card in the hand. For example, two players have a set of 10 (hand 10 + 10-10 on the board), while the second card is “J” for one player and “K” for the second, in this case, the second player will win.
It’s very important to try to evaluate your opponent while understanding what exactly he may have and what he is trying to “draw”. Knowing what combinations are in Texas Hold’em is the basis of the strategy of the entire game, so it is extremely important to remember them.